From the moment we began the journey to overseas missions and with MAF specifically we have been asked one question above all others: "So where are you going to serve?"
While the answer to this question has been a lengthy description of how we have to pass this test first, then come to this class, then become career staff, then get the official word on the region we will be serving, we can now answer with great confidence and excitement. Where you may ask, will we be serving?
That has been our question and was the theme of the day. As we gathered this afternoon as a Candidacy class, you could cut the anticipation with a knife. We all longed to hear where we and our new-found friends would be going in the months and years ahead.
Awaiting our assignment |
Candidacy Committee |
Pete, Cade, and myself are very excited to announce that we will be serving God with MAF in INDONESIA!
That's right friends, INDONESIA! Two other couples will be heading to Indonesia about the same time as we will from our Candidacy class.
Candidacy Class |
We are grateful for your prayers and support until this point. The next year will be filled with support raising and other preparations for our time overseas. After that, we will spend about a year at language school in Salatiga, Indonesia.
Please continue to pray that God would be glorified and made known in this journey and through our lives and work.
More to come.