In the last couple of weeks Pete and I have had an up close and personal relationship with waiting. Waiting is probably one of the single hardest things to do for both of us, as we like to do, act, move, go. We fully understand the importance of just being. Being still, knowing God. Being found in Him. Resting in the goodness and faithfulness of a God who is bigger than our circumstances, bigger than our thoughts, and bigger than our plans. And we know that His plans and His ways are higher than our own. So as we wait for our visas to come in, we are learning and finding contentment in the knowledge that He is sovereign and He has a plan and purpose for everything. He doesn't waste an experience. He doesn't waste a waiting period. So we learn, we lean, we seek Him first.
As we are waiting, will you please join in praying with us for our visas to be approved and back to us in the Lord's timing. Until we have the visas, we will stay here in the states in a waiting period, learning from our Lord and spending quality time with family and friends we will miss dearly in the coming years. And yet our hearts are eager to be in Indonesia, where He has called us. So please ask the Lord for His timing, His will, His best for us during this time!