The wait is almost over! We have enjoyed this extra time with family and are excited that in a matter of 5 days, we will be cruising the friendly skies and on our way to Indonesia! It's been a long journey to get to the point and we are eager to see all that God has in store for us as we begin life overseas.
After 36 hours of flying and hanging out in airports, and after loosing 12 hours of Monday or Tuesday (I'm not sure which), we will arrive in Jakarta!
During those 36 hours, we will be traveling with a toddler - our sweet little Cade-man is almost two and full of life! He's constantly running, talking and playing. In the past, flights have been relatively easy. When Cade was a little baby, traveling was a series of snuggles, feedings, and the occasional diaper change. As Cade has grown... he's become... well, a boy. Boy, oh boy, is he ever a BOY! And I love that about him! I am grateful he's a fun-loving, rambunctious little boy. But for our upcoming flight, his on-the-go attitude frightens me a bit. I envision him squirming in the seat, frustrated as we ask him to sit still, his "need" to be up and walking the aisle, along with a bit of difficulty falling asleep with a ton of people and opportunities for action at his fingertips.

In order to make this airplane adventure a bit less chaotic and in an effort to keep him sitting and happy as long as possible, we have devised a little plan. A friend of ours told us that when their kiddos were on long plane rides, they would give each one a little toy/present every couple of hours. They also made sure to pack snacks that would be easy to pull out and eat (which was especially helpful on international flights when the food wasn't as familiar as the kids liked.) So here's our list of yummy and fun ways to keep Cade's attention on our 36 hours of flying mayhem (I mean... FUN)!
1. Foam Elmo Book
2. Silly Putty
3. Cars Coloring Book and Stickers
4. Legos with Book
5. Pastic Airplane with Tools to FULLY Take Apart! (As the son of a pilot/mechanic, it is important that he learns from a young age how to take apart and put together airplanes - plastic or otherwise!)
6. Duck Hand Puppet
1. Sugar Free Twizzlers (an item referred to us by a friend who recently traveled with their toddler)
2. Trailmix
3. Teddy Grahams
4. Whole Wheat Goldfish Crackers
We've also contemplated making "Journey Bags" for those sitting in the seats around us. Filled with some gum, ear plugs, and a few snacks, and armed with a note that says, "We're trying to make this an enjoyable flight for all of us." Because we ALL know that there are (and perhaps we are or have been) that person who groans when he/she sees the family with baby/toddler/kids board the plan and sit near them. And we want our flight neighbors to know we are trying to make the flight wonderful for ALL of us!
I'm sure we will get a few more "tools" for our "Flying with a Toddler" tool belt, but I'm hoping this will help keep him happy, fed, and seat-bound active for our journey! If you have any advice or suggestions for traveling with a toddler, please share them with us, we are eager to make this flight AWESOME for Cade and for us!