Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cade's First Christmas

When they say that you haven't experienced Christmas until you do so with a precious little one in your midst, "they" are RIGHT!

The night before Christmas, after getting our little man in his snowman pajamas and settling down for bed, Pete and I read the story of Jesus' birth to Cade.  It was a series of moments I will never forget.  The usually squirming, "needing" to play/move/be on-the-go child that Pete and I are lucky to call our son sat still and listened.  He took it in and seemed to enjoy the story.  After it was over we continued our nightly ritual by saying our prayers and snuggling our sweet baby boy for a few minutes before laying him down in his crib.

He is so much fun at this age and we knew we would need our sleep before tackling the next day of opening packages and celebrating the birth of Jesus for the first time with our son!  As I held him in my arms I tried to imagine what life was like without this precious little boy and realized that after 11 months of officially being a "momma", I just don't even want to think about the richness our lives were lacking.  Similarly, and to a much greater degree, I tried to imagine what life would have been like before Jesus strapped on flesh and was born into this sinful world in need of a Savior, in need of Him.  And just like I feel about motherhood, that I wouldn't go back to how things were before, I can't imagine a world with no hope, no Jesus.

Our little guy has opened up a whole new world to us and we are grateful for every breath, every move, every clap, every "no", and every moment of his life.  We are thankful that just as Cade brings joy to our lives, there was a babe, who left the perfection of heaven to rescue us and to remind us of our need for an everlasting, ever-loving, ever present God who is oh-so BIG and delights in the details of our everyday.  And that this man-God Jesus isn't just for us to know, but for the whole world to know.

What a blessing it is to be parents, what a blessing it is to know Jesus, and what a blessing it is to be Biblically charged with sharing His GOOD NEWS to those who have never heard of it!

We are thrilled everyday to be able to share this Good News of Jesus with our son and Cade's first Christmas was such a celebration of His life!

Here are some pictures of Cade opening up some little surprises our family got him in honor and celebration of Jesus:

Opening the first package.

Cade checking out his new outfits.

Enjoying the box!

Baby loves airplanes!

Cade's Christmas Loot

Momma got a KitchenAid!

First Christmas Family Portrait

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Generous Givers, Faithful Friends | A Note From Our Hearts

This post has been a long time coming.  Throughout our single and married lives, Pete and I have had the privilege of knowing some of the most kind, thoughtful, and generous people this world has ever known. I won't mention names out of respect for some of our nearest and dearest, but these faithful friends are a HUGE reason that we were able to begin our ministry with Mission Aviation Fellowship and have seen so much success in developing partners through this process of fund-raising before heading to Indonesia.

We cannot find the words to accurately express our gratitude and appreciation for the generosity and faithfulness of our friends and partners in ministry.  Know that you are prayed for daily and are thought of fondly!  From our family to yours, THANK YOU!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's amazing the joy that clapping can bring.  Whether you are in the stands cheering on your fave team or offering up a round-of-applause for a great performance, clapping is fun and exhilarating.  It brings people together and allows the joy and excitement of the moment to live on for a little longer.
So it's no wonder, that when your baby boy claps for the first time it would bring about a similar response. Only, when it's your adorable 10.5 month old son clapping and looking up at you as if he has just hung the moon, it's way more than mere excitement.  And when he consistently drops what he is doing to clap and see your response, just to get more excited and giggle, the joy that wells up in your heart is impossible to contain.  It truly runneth over.
These little things: learning to clap, sitting up, trying to stand and walk on his own, saying "mama and dada," crawling around and giggling are some of the most amazing moments of my life.  The look of sheer joy on his face when he does something that we are proud of is one that I will never forget.

Momma and Monkey - loving life!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lions, Tigers, and BEARS - OH MY!

While there weren't Lions and Tigers on our recent trip to Gatlinburg, we did get up close and personal with a beautiful black bear.  As Megan and I were talking in the kitchen, she looked up and just feet from where her oldest son had recently been playing, was a cute, hungry, black bear leisurely walking from the woods onto our deck and driveway.  After a a few squeals, running downstairs to make sure her 4 boys were inside, and returning back to the living room, we all joined in watching our little Yogi friend steal our bag of trash and climb up a nearby tree.  It was so fun to watch this little bear out the window and hear the little boys get so excited.  And even better to see Kevin and Rich outside "scaring" the bear away from the trash and into the tree.  What a wonderful memory of our time with sweet friends in Gatlinburg.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Joys of Life on the Road | Wright-Patterson AFB

One of the great things about being on the road and building our team of ministry partners is all the fun we get to have with our family on the journey.  It's an absolute blast being able to watch our little man grow and develop daily.  I can't imagine a better time to be starting this journey!  While on the road we also get to see our extended family and enjoy catching up on life.

During our trip to Wright-Patterson AFB, my grandfather, who I call "Troll", showed us around the museum at the AFB.  I remember him taking me around when I was younger and Pete experienced his first AFB tour with Troll, as well.  So it was fitting that Troll be the one to take Cade, or "Tex" as Troll like to refer to him, around the AFB while we were in Ohio.  It was a blast and we made memories that I know will last a lifetime for all of us adults!

Here are some pictures of our adventures at Wright-Patterson AFB:

Cade Flying High in a F-16 Cockpit 

Cade and Daddy Sharing the Cockpit

Our Little Astronaut

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Coffee Challenge

As we began this Advent season - preparing for Christ's coming - Pete and I were discussing that some people around the world don't know what to prepare for, and more importantly, don't know Who to prepare for...

We are thrilled to be a part of a missions organization, Mission Aviation Fellowship, that is overcoming barriers to transform lives around the world.  Through meeting peoples' physical needs and providing much needed resources, our pilots, mechanics, disaster response teams and more are making Christ known in some of the most remote places on earth and sharing with them the importance of Jesus' birth and promise to return.  Pete and I can't wait to be among the many serving Him in Indonesia!  But we can't do it alone...  WE NEED YOU! 


While we celebrate this glorious and festive season of love, lights, and the gift of abundant life in Christ Jesus, we ask that you prayerfully consider helping us make Christ known in Indonesia by answering this simple question:  How much money do you spend monthly on specialty coffee drinks?  $25, $50, $75?  

Would you consider spending that amount as a monthly supporter of our ministry with MAF?  

Our goal is to be at 50% of full-funding by January 1, 80% by March, and 100% funding and on our way to Indonesia by Fall of 2012.  This is a lofty goal, but we know that with God's help and His people generously giving, we can reach Indonesia soon!

If you would like to be a part of our Christmas Coffee Challenge there are several ways you can give.

DONATE ONLINE | You can log on to the DONATE tab and set up a payment arrangement or electronic funds transfer under the "Support a Missionary" link.  If you choose this method, please make sure that donation/giving is allocated to Pete and Ashley Greenwald - Missionary ID: 9090.  

SNAIL MAIL | Another great way to start giving is to mail a check to the MAF Headquarters - P.O. Box 47, Nampa, ID 83653.  With this option, we ask that you make the check payable to Mission Aviation Fellowship and add 9090 to the memo line. 

PHONE A FRIEND | For those of you who like to hear a friendly voice at the other end of the phone to assure you that everything has been handled properly (I am definitely one of these people) you have the option to speak with our Donor Services personnel.  They are a great bunch of MAF staff at our headquarters in Idaho and will make sure that your giving is done with ease.  Simply dial 1.800.359.7623 to phone a friend!

With any of these options, we would love to hear that you have begun giving!  It will give us a great chance to catch up with you and help us keep our records straight.  

For more information or to let us know you have joined our Christmas Coffee Challenge, contact us via email at (Ashley) or (Pete), or give us a call at 678.641.8771.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Yes, I Am Coming Quickly | Rev. 22:20

Yesterday morning Pete, Cade and I attended Johns Creek UMC.  The church building has changed from my wide-eyed days of being a youngster scurrying about trying to get to the delicious foods at the fellowship hall, or searching for my best friend, Anna, or even trying to find my parents between Sunday School, Worship Service, and Discipleship classes.  The small chapel where I was accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and was baptized isn't used for the primary services anymore, the church members and attendants just wouldn't fit.  The old 3 room nursery section is now used for other things and a whole new building (attached) now houses the nursery, preschool, children's Sunday School, and Youth.  The  auditorium we moved into as a precursor to building a brand new sanctuary is getting it's last full uses in the coming months/year as the ground has now been broken for the once dreamed of Sanctuary for Sunday morning worship.

However, although many things have changed at this church I watched grow and develop (both building and people-wise) as a child and teen, it is still home to some of the most amazing smiling faces I know.  Friends of our family who taught me, cared for me, and allowed me to grow and develop in my walk with Christ.  They are people who shared Christ with me in my youth and helped to support me as I worked at the UGA Wesley Foundation in my college years and before Pete and I were married.  They welcomed my new family (Pete and Cade) with open arms and embraced us as if no time had passed at all since I left home and continued on in God's calling for my life.

But yesterday morning offered much more than a time of reconnection, it was a reminder of our place in this world. To live in it, but not be of it. To walk in the fullness of God's calling on our own individual lives.  To be awake, on the alert for the coming of our Lord.  
In Revelation 22:20, John writes, 

"He who testifies to these things says, 
'Yes, I am coming quickly.' Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus."

As this season of Advent begins, I was reminded to be looking for signs of Christ's coming. To rejoice that He will return and be ready for His coming. For we do not know the time or the place.  We do not know the how's and the why's.  We only know that a promise from God is just that - a promise.  He is true to His word and Jesus will return!

After these things, I looked and behold, 
a great multitude which no one could count, 
from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, 
standing before the throne and before the Lamb... 
and they cry out with a loud voice, saying 
"Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."
Revelation 7:9-10

Are we staying awake?  Are we on the alert?  Are we seeking out the signs that He will return, remembering His promise?  Are we sharing with others so that they will be part of the great multitude?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Between The Hedges

On Saturday, my family did something we have never done - we went to a UGA game together at Sanford Stadium, Between The Hedges.  Mom, Dad, Pete, Cade and I woke up early and dropped Cade off at his Mimi and Grandpa's house so that we could cheer the Dawgs on to a victory (and consequentially take the SEC East!)  While we have all been to a UGA game together, we have never been to one all together in Athens, GA.  There is something amazing, invigorating, and empowering about being in Athens on game day.  It is a sensation that I remember well from my time in college at UGA and one that I will forever remember and cherish.  The excitement is palpable!  I can not imagine a better place to have spent my college years.

I LOVED my years in Athens. They were filled with fun, late nights, great friends, sweet freedom with little responsibility, and created memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  And though they say that the best 4 years of your life are those spent in college (and my college years were beyond wonderful) the amazing thing is, that every year just keeps getting better.  Every year has even more to love.  Every year provides more memories to cherish.  Every year I fall more in love with my God, my husband, and now my son!  Every year God lavishes His love on me in a new and exciting way.

So while I did thoroughly enjoy my college years, I can't say that they were the best years of my life because I honestly believe that I live the best year every year!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Western New York

To be completely honest, Pete and I both packed and began our trip up north with a bit of hesitation.  We had just spent a month on the road and were reluctant to start another journey so quickly.  We knew that it would be great to see our friends, the Harrell's, and that it would be incredibly worthwhile if we would just surrender it to the Lord and go.  And so we began the drive.  After two days of driving and a great visit with friends, we arrived in Lakewood, NY.  From the moment we got here until now, as I type away from the bedroom in Aunt Nancy and Uncle Brian's house, we have been blown away by outdoor beauty, delightful family, and incredible meetings with partners in ministry.  God has been very sweet to us on this trip!  

A Walk in the Woods at Aunt Nancy and Uncle Brian's
Upon our arrival, we unloaded our bags and quickly went to see some longtime family friends of the Greenwald's - the Norris's. Their hospitality and love for the Lord is palpable and it was a delight to begin our week up north with them.  

We headed to a local church when dinner was over and had the pleasure of speaking to the youth about God calling us all on our own adventures and surrounding us with His love and guidance through it all.  It was a fantastic night of sharing with youth and answering their questions about missions and God's call!

On Thursday we were able to share our ministry with the church's mission committee and are excited to say that we have another partner in ministry to the people in Indonesia!  It was a blessing to be with them and to share how God has led us to this point and where we hope to be in the near future.  

Then came the snow!  When we awoke on Friday morning there was already a beautiful blanket of fresh powdery snow on the ground outside.   It was breathtaking to look out the window as I fed Cade and enjoy the delightful feeling of being inside a snow globe.  Pete's grandma was able to come over and Cade spent the afternoon with his Great Grandma Greenwald.  

Our view from inside the Snow Globe
Cade and Great Grandma Greenwald  

Uncle Brian and Cade "Walking"
Today was our last full day in New York.  We enjoyed meeting with some more of Pete's family friends and sharing some of our own memories at Findley Lake and Camp Findley, where Pete spent his childhood.  Tomorrow after church we will hit the pavement again and be on our way to see my family in Ohio.  Our time here has been better than I could have imagined and I am grateful that the Lord knows just what we need even when we don't!

Camp Findley

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Harrell's

Five months ago Pete and I met some of the most wonderful people who have become dear friends.  We went to Idaho feeling very different than anyone else we knew.  We were giving up jobs, leaving our friends, moving in with my parents, and figuring out every way possible to save money so we could go into full-time missions.  When we arrived in Idaho, we quickly introduced ourselves to the people in the apartments around us who would be going through these classes and preparing for full-time missions as well.  It was awesome to hear their stories, similar to ours, but unique in the ways that God calls people in such amazing ways and creates us with such individual and special talents, cares, thoughts, and paths.  All of the sudden, we didn't feel so alone.  All of the sudden, we weren't the crazy couple who just packed their bags and moved in with their parents.  All of the sudden the years of preparation weren't "wowed" at, but were met with like stories and similar God-sized dreams and ambitions.  All of the sudden, we had an MAF family of people who "understood" us.  

On Tuesday of this week, as we traveled up to speak to a missions committee in western New York, we paused for a brief moment (a few hours really) to see one of these kindred families.  The Harrell's, with their precious family of 4 boys, welcomed us with open arms.  It was refreshing, encouraging, and enriching to spend these few precious hours with our dear friends.  We laughed, we shared, we ate, and we reminded one another that we are not alone, that we are not crazy (well, at least not too crazy), and that we will someday - hopefully soon - be overseas!  

As Pete and I pulled out of their neighborhood, we already missed our friends and the joy that they bring into our lives.  

God is so good to encourage us with sweet friends along this journey that remind us that we are not alone.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Most Wonderful Weekend

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!  Our last weekend of travel began with a Friday afternoon trip to the OKC Zoo with Kalli, Tori, and Aunt Stephie.  Cade's 1st trip to the zoo turned out to be a great success.  We enjoyed a detailed description of the animals by our dear nieces and had a great time seeing the baby elephant, Malei, grizzly bears, Bison, and of course the bats (Kalli's favorite).

Saturday afternoon held another fun new adventure for our little munchkin.  It was time to see pumpkins and play in the hay!  We made our way to WINGS pumpkin patch and took some great pictures of Cade amongst the gourds.  He was a trooper and loved the pumpkins, indian corn, and crawling around in the grass.

Later that evening, Pete and Phil headed out to the OU v. Texas Tech game and had a blast cheering from their sweet suite while the rest of the crowd enjoyed a nice shower.

Meanwhile, back East, my best friend's man was getting down on one knee and popping "the question"! She said, 'YES!"  We couldn't be more excited for them as they begin preparing for a life together.

What a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oklahoma City

I had my first encounter with Oklahoma City when Pete and I were engaged and we came out to visit his brother and boy oh boy, was it beautiful!  I remember walking around downtown, over at the memorial, and strolling through the Bricktown area.  I was impressed by it's pedestrian friendly streets, quaint restaurants, and fun things to do.  Throughout our married life thus far, Pete and I would tell you that if we had to live in the States, OKC is one place we would consider.  This is a huge step for me coming from the Southeast and loving the great state of GEORGIA!  But honestly, Oklahoma City is really that beautiful and it has an essence of home, warmth, and friendliness (even if it's not technically in the south).

While living in Longview, TX, Pete and I would occasionally make the 6 hour drive up to OKC to visit his brother, Phil, sis-in-love Steph, and their adorable girls, Kalli and Tori.  We enjoyed spending our Easter holidays and other random weekend getaways here in OKC.

Tonight, we spent the evening in Bricktown.  Just as beautiful as it was the last time and so family friendly!  After dining on some great burgers, chicken fingers, sandwiches, and mac'n'cheese for the little ones, my oldest niece and I went on a mini-walk.  It was a bit too cold for everyone to walk around and was starting to get late, so while the rest of the family packed into the car and got it started, Kalli and I took a mini-walk down the street, past the baseball stadium and statues to the splatter-painted buffalo at the end of the road.  It was a short walk, but it was so fun to skip, sing, and chat with sweet Kalli-Joy!

While we do love OKC for all the great attributes of the city and the great things to do day and night, the absolute best part about this city is our family here!  We look forward to showing them around our new home in Indo and to fun times returning to OKC and visiting them on our furloughs.

Kalli standing beside the buffalo!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

See You Soon...

These last few weeks in Longview have been wonderful.  Pete and I continue to be amazed at how the Lord is providing our Ministry Team and the people who are excited to partner with us to share Christ's love through aviation and technology.  When we rolled in to Longview three weeks ago we were overcome with the feeling of being "at home".  During our time back, we have enjoyed many great meals and conversations and have been able to share how MAF is reaching isolated people around the world.  It's been a long and exhausting few weeks, but it has also been incredibly rewarding as we watch God build this team of people eager to see Him work in Indonesia.
Tomorrow will be bittersweet.  Tomorrow, we will say "see you soon" to the place we began our married life and family.  Tomorrow, we will say "see you soon" to the family that the Lord has provided here for us.  Tomorrow, we will say "hello" to our family in Oklahoma City and look forward to enjoying some family time and sharing ministry opportunities with new people.
But tonight, tonight we just sit back and thank God for His work and His provision.  Tonight, we rest knowing that He is in control and that His timing is perfect.  Tonight, we enjoy His faithfulness and love as we relish in these last moments with our Texas family.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cade Crawling

On Your Mark... Get Set...
I promised a few pictures of our little monkey crawling.  We have a new game now - Cade crawls a little ways and I pull back on his legs.  Then, he squeals with delight!  And we begin again.  It's so much fun!

On the MP Trail | Support Raising and Friend Visiting

Blessed.  This word is the only word that can truly define how Pete and I feel about the amazing journey God has us on.  We are blessed by His guidance.  We are blessed by His presence.  We are blessed by His provision.  We are blessed that He has gone before us in truly remarkable and unmistakable ways.  We are blessed by every meal shared and every moment filled with His love and guidance.  Glory to God for all the partners in ministry that we have gained over the past few months and for the team that He already has in mind for us as we prepare for ministry in Indonesia.  Glory to Him who created us, loves us, and continues to work in our hearts/lives until He calls us home.  Glory to Him for the ability to walk with Him and share His love and saving grace.

Our time in Texas is half way over and I can't help but think about future trips here to share with the family of faith that God has cultivated and blessed us with in this place.  

If you are interested in joining us on this journey as a partner in ministry, please click the "Partner" link above and sign up to receive our prayer letter or give online.  We would love to have you on the team!

In the Life of Cade:

During our first week in Texas, Cade got a nasty cold - so bad that we went to the doc just to make sure it wasn't the flu/something worse.  She reassured us that is was just a cold and that he would be fine in a week or so.  He's had some rough nights, difficult days, and is just now getting back to his normal self.  Praise God!  He is such a joyful child and it broke my heart to see him so miserable.