Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Harrell's

Five months ago Pete and I met some of the most wonderful people who have become dear friends.  We went to Idaho feeling very different than anyone else we knew.  We were giving up jobs, leaving our friends, moving in with my parents, and figuring out every way possible to save money so we could go into full-time missions.  When we arrived in Idaho, we quickly introduced ourselves to the people in the apartments around us who would be going through these classes and preparing for full-time missions as well.  It was awesome to hear their stories, similar to ours, but unique in the ways that God calls people in such amazing ways and creates us with such individual and special talents, cares, thoughts, and paths.  All of the sudden, we didn't feel so alone.  All of the sudden, we weren't the crazy couple who just packed their bags and moved in with their parents.  All of the sudden the years of preparation weren't "wowed" at, but were met with like stories and similar God-sized dreams and ambitions.  All of the sudden, we had an MAF family of people who "understood" us.  

On Tuesday of this week, as we traveled up to speak to a missions committee in western New York, we paused for a brief moment (a few hours really) to see one of these kindred families.  The Harrell's, with their precious family of 4 boys, welcomed us with open arms.  It was refreshing, encouraging, and enriching to spend these few precious hours with our dear friends.  We laughed, we shared, we ate, and we reminded one another that we are not alone, that we are not crazy (well, at least not too crazy), and that we will someday - hopefully soon - be overseas!  

As Pete and I pulled out of their neighborhood, we already missed our friends and the joy that they bring into our lives.  

God is so good to encourage us with sweet friends along this journey that remind us that we are not alone.

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