Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What a difference a year makes.  A year ago today, our lives were completely different.  A year ago today, we were in a waiting game.  A year ago today, we had so many dreams unfulfilled and so many hopes up in the air.

Then everything CHANGED.  For those of you who know me well, you know that I don't particularly like change.  That I tend to fight and resist it with almost all of my being.  But a year ago today was different.  A year ago today, God blessed us in ways that have truly changed our lives FOREVER!

Allow me to reminisce:

A year ago today seemed like just another day - we had yet another doctor's appointment to determine how baby boy, our little Greenbean, was progressing and how I was preparing for his big arrival.  We would have never known as we woke up on Jan. 25, 2011 all that the Lord would do in a matter of 14 hours.

You see, Cade was past his due date, but we knew we wanted him to arrive as naturally as possible, and only in the timing of our Lord.  So as we made way to my doctor's office (shout out to Paul for being the MOST AMAZING OBGYN) we had no clue that everything was about to CHANGE.  Paul did his usual and checked my blood pressure and my body's preparation for labor and delivery.  While it seemed by body was not ready to let our little guy out, Paul was a bit concerned with my blood pressure and so, we were sent to the hospital to officially get things started.  YIKES!  I knew in my heart that it was time and I knew in my spirit that God was with us.

As I got settled in at the hospital - gown and all - I had several visitors.  Friends that will remain our surrogate family, really came to say hi and to wish us luck!  It was a blessing to see them and they truly helped me take my mind off of the impending labor that was about to occur.

Just as the doctors administered some medicine to get my body prepared for Cade's arrival, Pete received a call on his phone.  It was a call we had been awaiting for weeks!  When Pete told me who it was, I quickly said,"Answer it!"  I couldn't believe that Ron, from MAF, was calling us now, but I needed to know what he had to say.  Pete returned to the room a few moments later with a silly grin and deer in headlights look on his face.  "We've been approved and are scheduled for the Summer 2011 Candidacy class."

This was news we had been hoping and praying for throughout the entirety of our pregnancy.  It was surreal as I lay in the hospital bed, preparing to have a baby.  I looked at Pete and told him that I thought this news was more overwhelming than going into labor - WHAT?!?

In a matter of minutes we had gone from preparing to have a baby to being accepted to Candidacy - both of these things would change our lives in ways we could never have imagined, but were JUST what we had been hoping and praying for.  There is no doubt that Jan. 25, 2011 will forever be a day we REJOICE over and a memory we never forget.

A mere 13 hours later, on Jan. 26 2011, our precious little Greenbean, CADE BENNETT GREENWALD emerged.  He was as handsome as I have EVER seen and the three of us had an INSTANT CONNECTION.

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