Wednesday, January 23, 2013

His and Hers Helmets

By the end of the month, we will have a new addition in our family: a motorbike.  So, in an effort to stay safe on our bike, we purchased these bad boys!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Perkenalan - Introductions

Nama saya Ashley.
Saya berasal dari Amerika Serikat.
Saya sudah menikah.
Nama suami saya Pete.
Kami sudah punya satu anak, laki-laki.
Nama anak kami Cade.

My name is Ashley.
I am from the United States.
I am already married.
My husband's name is Pete.
We have one child, a male/son.
His name is Cade.

Our brains are full... FULL!  We attend class for four hours each morning and come home to a delicious home-cooked meal and a boy who is eager to see his mommy and daddy!  Life is good, days are both long and short, and we are already enjoying the company of our local neighbors and expat friends.

It's amazing how much we picked up during the couple of weeks we were here prior to beginning language school, but I know we have A TON to learn.  Each day at language school, I am reminded even more that there is much to be learned.  About the culture, about our neighbors, about our pembantus, about the language, and mostly about our Lord.

We are grateful for this season of intense learning.  We are blessed to have neighbors who are more than willing to let us blunder our way through conversations, awkward interactions, and attempts at communication.  We are more blessed by a loving and merciful God who equips and directs us daily, while lavishing His love upon us.

Life in Salatiga is good and we are figuring it out pelan-pelan (slowly).

Did I mention we live IN the jungle?