Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's amazing the joy that clapping can bring.  Whether you are in the stands cheering on your fave team or offering up a round-of-applause for a great performance, clapping is fun and exhilarating.  It brings people together and allows the joy and excitement of the moment to live on for a little longer.
So it's no wonder, that when your baby boy claps for the first time it would bring about a similar response. Only, when it's your adorable 10.5 month old son clapping and looking up at you as if he has just hung the moon, it's way more than mere excitement.  And when he consistently drops what he is doing to clap and see your response, just to get more excited and giggle, the joy that wells up in your heart is impossible to contain.  It truly runneth over.
These little things: learning to clap, sitting up, trying to stand and walk on his own, saying "mama and dada," crawling around and giggling are some of the most amazing moments of my life.  The look of sheer joy on his face when he does something that we are proud of is one that I will never forget.

Momma and Monkey - loving life!

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