Monday, July 25, 2011

No More Peas, Please!

Last night began our adventure in baby food making.  Pete and I purchased some great foods - apples, peas, and sweet potatoes - for Cade's first dining experience.  So we set out to puree peas, and while I was at girls night Pete completed the process.  Tonight, one day before Cade's 6 month birthday, he ate his first taste of veggies.  The pictures below depict how the dining experience went.

Eager to eat his dinner.

First taste of pureed peas.

Dad, why did you let her feed me these peas?

This is what I'm talking about!


  1. SO sweet!!! That kid is adorable - I love his concerned face! Levi loved peas, too, at that he won't eat them unless they're in something and he doesn't know it. :)

    And good for you for making your own food! I only once bought two little jars of baby food for an "emergency" stash and just threw them out before we left Alaska...if I can do it, it must be super easy! :)
